Industrial Doors
Industrial door products are wide ranging and can vary tremendously in style, cost, quality and performance. At Asfordby Doors we are primarily interested in selecting the best door for the correct application.
You may already know the exact type of door that you require but if not, we have listed a few questions that you may want to consider:
> What is the frequency of use of the proposed door? i.e. 1 cycle per hour / 8 cycles per hour
> Will the door be used by: People / Forklifts / Vehicles or a combination?
> Is the building temperature: Ambient / Refrigerated / Freezing?
> Is security a factor in the above or is the site already secure?
> Is the site windy or exposed?
> Is there a priority that you have in mind? i.e. Lead time / Cost / Speed of operation etc.
We have only provided a very basic and brief overview of the product range, so we would welcome your call to discuss your enquiry in more detail.